The Ice Truck Killer is a dark, psychological prequel series set in the neon-lit streets of 1991 Miami, tracing the origin of one of Dexter’s most chilling villains. After being released from foster group homes, 22-year-old Brian Moser (played by Finn Wolfhard) struggles to navigate life without family or support. As he spirals deeper into his violent tendencies, we witness his transformation from a damaged young man into the methodical Ice Truck Killer. Narrated by Christian Camargo, the series comes to Paramount+ in July 2025 with an order of 10 episodes.

For entertainment purposes only

About Dexter: He’s smart, he’s good looking, and he’s got a great sense of humor. He’s Dexter Morgan, everyone’s favorite serial killer. As a Miami forensics expert, he spends his days solving crimes, and nights committing them. But Dexter lives by a strict code of honor that is both his saving grace and lifelong burden. Torn between his deadly compulsion and his desire for true happiness, Dexter is a man in profound conflict with the world and himself. Golden Globe winner Michael C. Hall stars in the hit SHOWTIME Original Series.

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